Dear Student
Re: Secrets of Prophecy Course Outline
Thank you for your interest in the Secrets of Prophecy course. This is an amazing course on Bible prophecy that will open your eyes in a new way to the truth of the Bible.
Once you have completed this course, you will never read the Bible in the same way again. We look forward to seeing you on 3rd April 2025. Let your friends and family know about this free course.
Please take the time to learn more about the course in the coming weeks. Click on any of the sections below to for more information.
Thanks for your interest in this course and for your continued support.
Yours Faithfully
The SOP UK Team
Delivery Method
This course is normally delivered in a classroom-type setting with one of our experienced presenters facilitating through a presentation with discussion, and Q&A. However, due to the pandemic, we are currently delivering this course online through a presentation over Zoom, discussion, and Q&A. Each week there is a study guide that should be completed by all students ahead of the following week's class.
What we offer
What you will learn
Secrets of Prophecy UK
Is sponsored by North England
Conference of Seventh-day
All Rights Reserved | Secrets of Prophecy UK | This site was designed, and is being maintained by Mark D. Larman